Our methodology
At Forestdale, we use a three-stage methodology—Discover, Derisk, and Deliver—to effectively optimize manufacturers' supply chains.

Stage 1.
During the Discover Stage, Forestdale's sales team works with manufacturers to uncover their supply chain challenges such as late deliveries, long lead times, quality defects, communication barriers, and high inventory.
Additionally, Forestdale will collaborate on component design and manufacturing using our turnkey manufacturing process. This allows us to take a component or assembly from a concept to a fully assembled and packaged product. This process can be used for project-style applications or ongoing production.
The process varies and will be tailored to each unique manufacturer's requirements, but generally includes the following steps:

Stage 2.
Throughout the De-risk Stage, Forestdale collaborates with manufacturers to develop an effective supply chain that will reduce risk and inventory while delivering quality, confidence, and peace of mind.
Using the information from the Discover stage of the methodology, the component or project is analyzed for potential risks. Forestdale has extensive experience to draw on, enabling us to easily identify manufacturability and supply chain risks.
At this stage, all elements required for the manufacturing, assembly, and packaging of the component or project are sourced. Most components can usually be produced internally, but at this stage, lead times are secured from our trusted vendors for any outsourced components. Stocking agreements can be set up depending on the estimated annual usage and the desired project lead time.
A prototype is also an essential part of the de-risk stage. A prototype is completed either internally or for the client to ensure that no details are overlooked in the estimating and quoting process. In many cases, we work with clients on new designs or concept designs of components, and this step ensures that the client is aware of any existing product design limitations and manufacturability concerns.
After the prototype has been completed and approved, we work with our clients to establish a lead time and release schedule for the component or the project. Our Operations team will complete a review of the prototype and use the job notes gathered from the manufacturing of the prototype to set the production lead time.
Before the component or the project is manufactured for production, our Operations team holds a Before-Action Review meeting with the team responsible for the component or the project. During the meeting, drawings, lead times, and expected run times are all reviewed. In addition, all expected risks and obstacles are reviewed again with the team directly responsible.
After the first production run of the component or the project is complete, our Operations team holds an After-Action Review meeting where they review and record any parts of the production run that did not meet the expected timeline, as well as any manufacturing challenges. These issues and challenges are then addressed to identify solutions for future releases.

Stage 3.
In the Deliver Stage, Forestdale ensures we meet our clients’ requirements for lead times and scheduled delivery dates.
Shipment dates are tracked internally using our ERP system and our internal scheduling system. Every time an order is received, our Order Entry team issues an order confirmation with a confirmed shipment date that complies with agreed-upon lead times.
Our Logistics team handles the shipping for our clients and ensures our clients’ components are delivered safely. To better serve our clients in the United States, Forestdale partnered with a customs broker who works with our Logistics team and handles all the cross-border shipping. In addition, we work with local shipping companies that deliver components daily across the Greater Toronto Area, as well as LTL carriers that deliver to our client’s facilities across North America without obligating our clients to hit quantity thresholds for a full trailer shipment. Our Logistics team can also work with your Logistics team to coordinate pickups if you're looking to handle the shipping for your components. We are also capable of drop shipping components depending on your project’s requirements.
Forestdale’s average lead time of 10-14 business days allows us to further optimize our clients’ supply chains, meaning they can keep less product in inventory. Once a component or a project has completed the prototyping phase, we will be able to provide an accurate lead time for each component. We strive to keep lead times short and accurate with tight scheduling and lean production principles.
Lead times can be further reduced by securing a Kanban agreement or a Just-in-Time agreement with Forestdale. As part of this agreement, subassembly or partially finished inventory for our clients’ components will be stocked at our facilities, ready to be used for production. Once an order is received, the inventory is consumed for the order, and a replenishment order is issued to production to refill the Kanban stock. These programs are customized to each client and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Forestdale also has a strong track record of accommodating rush orders for our clients, as demonstrated by numerous case studies. In cases requiring urgent prototypes, we have successfully assisted clients by designing and prototyping complete components in as little as a week and a half.
Our ability and commitment to responding quickly to changes in client requirements is another reason our clients keep coming back again and again.